26 October 2023, Thursday, 0800 – 1230hr
Speaker & Trainer: Laparoscopic Porcine Workshop
Laparoscopic Suturing
27 October 2023, Friday, 1900 – 2130hr
Speaker: SGMIS Inaugural Oration Dinner
Journey as a Surgeon and Innovator
28 October 2023, Saturday, 1330 – 1400hr
Speaker: Keynote Session
Operating in the Vertical Zone
Dr Koh graduated from the University of Singapore with MBBS in 1967 and went to work at Hammersmith Hospital in 1970 - starting over as a house officer. He obtained his MRCOG in 1974.
In 1977 he moved to USA as Assistant Professor at the Medical College of Wisconsin in Milwaukee. He co-founded the Milwaukee Institute of Minimally Invasive Surgery in 1990, where he spent his entire career and developed his innovations in Gynecologic Laparoscopy.
He has lectured and demonstrated live surgeries throughout the world since the 1990’s. Among his inventions and original techniques are:
He performed the World’s first laparoscopic tubal anastomosis with true microsurgical technique using 8/0 suture, and his video was awarded the first prize video at the joint ASRM/ CFS conference 1993.
Professional Recognition: